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This WordPress Map plugin for Google Maps is the most customizable Advanced Google Maps plugin available on codecanyon. Easily showcase simple to advanced Google Maps with just a few clicks. WP Maps Pro allows you to show multiple locations, multiple maps, posts, custom post types, taxonomies, categories, and listings with filters on a WordPress page.

Advanced Google Maps Plugin for WordPress
WP Maps Pro Benefits
- Display posts, pages, and custom post types on Google Maps using in-built meta box
- Show posts, pages, and custom post types using custom fields
- Show posts, pages, and custom post types using Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) WordPress plugin
- Show posts, locations, extra fields, custom fields, and taxonomies information in customizable info windows
- Show ACF fields in the Info window or listing.
- Show customized listings below the map with fast and flexible search options
- Filter locations by categories for effortless navigation
- Filter locations by custom fields, taxonomies associated with posts
- Filter locations by extra fields attached with locations
- Integration with major WordPress GDPR plugins
- Import unlimited location data from CSV files
- Export location data to CSV files for bulk editing or transfer to another website
- Draw Circles with custom color, stroke, and show info window on circle’s click
- Draw Polygons with custom color, stroke color, and stroke width and show info window on polygon’s click
- Draw polylines with custom color, stroke color, and stroke width for custom routes
- Draw rectangles with custom stroke color, stroke width, and show infowindow on rectangle click
- Show directions with instructions by asking From and To location.
- Show multiple routes with show/hide functionality
- Show nearby amenities around a location
- Show markers cluster markers to organize thousands of markers
- Show KML/KMZ files for enriched content
- Immerse users with integrated street views
- Display geographical data with GEO JSON integration
- Apply spiderfier effects to show multiple markers on the same location
- Connect to external data sources for dynamic markers.
- Show Overlay options for highlighting specific areas
- Show HTML content within map markers for added info
- Create custom map styles to match your branding
- Integration with Snazzy Maps Skins for visual appeal
- Responsive maps that adapt to various screen sizes
- Create and manage marker categories with ease
- Simple location addition form with customizable fields
- Apply various marker icons based on categories
- Choose from 15 predefined map color schemas
- Apply limit panning settings for controlled map view
- Control zoom, scroll, and various map amenities
- Create custom controls and add them to the map
- Customize infowindow message for locations using placeholders
- Customize infowindow message for posts using placeholders
- Filter locations using URL parameters for flexibility
- Import/export complete plugin data for easy transfer between sites
- Customize map controls and their positions
- Add custom controls with HTML, images, and more
- Show search form, sort options, and print functionality
- Readymade beautiful Infowindow skins
- Use custom html design for Infowindow skins
- Generate and install sample data for easy setup
- Clean database tool for resetting or starting fresh
- Import maps, categories, and locations from another site
- Access debug mode for troubleshooting assistance
- Responsive and SEO-friendly design for accessibility
- Center the map based on the visitor’s current location
- Allows you to insert the map as a widget on sidebars
- Ability to display Infowindow on mouse click or mouse hover
- Setup POV Heading and POV Pitch of Street View to customize Street View output of a location
- Drag and drop feature for markers, including custom animation support
- Hooks Supported – Use actions & filters to modify maps, markers, listing, and associated HTML on the fly
- Load markers from external databases or API sources with the help of filters (Hooks)
- Cross Browser Compatible plugin. Fully tested on IE8, IE9, IE10, and all major browsers
- Multisite Enabled and ability to activate it network-wide
- Fully extensible & scalable plugin to make it ready for customizations according to website/business requirements
- Advanced geolocation capabilities for pinpoint accuracy
- Customizable marker icons to suit your branding
- Integrate custom layers such as traffic, transit, and bicycle routes
- Mobile-responsive design ensures seamless viewing on all devices
- Effortless integration with popular page builders for simplified layout
- Sort listings effortlessly by title, address, or category in ascending or descending order
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